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Mamma Mia! & Jésus Christ Superstar & Flower Drum Song / Mamma Mia! (2008) & Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) & Flower Drum Song (1961)
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Présentateur Vedette: La Légende de Ron Burgundy & Comment Perdre son Mec en 10 Jours & Née pour Danser & L’Homme C’est Elle & Zoolander / Anchorman (2004) & How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) & Save the Last Dance (2001) & She’s the Man (2006) & Zoolander (2001)
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17 Ans, Sérieusement? / The Edge of Seventeen (2016)
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Ma belle-Mère est un Monstre (Sa Mère ou Moi !) / Monster-in-Law (2005)
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Une Saison avec Alex / Alex & Me (2018)
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Quatre Filles et un Jean 2 / The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008)
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Aloha / Aloha (2015)
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L’Arnaque de Wendell Baker (2005) & Van Wilder 2: La Légende de Taj (2006) & Hasards de Route / Moving McAllister (2007)
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C’est Comme une Drôle d’Histoire / It’s Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
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Le Plan B / The Back-Up Plan (2010)
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L’Éveil d’un Champion / The Blind Side (2009)
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Rose Bonbon / Pretty in Pink (1986)
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Quatre Noël / Four Christmases (2008)
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Haut dans les Airs / Up in the Air (2009)
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Réellement l’Amour / Love Actually (2003)
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Le Voeu / The Vow (2012)
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La Gloire des Ondes / Morning Glory (2010)
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Annie Hall / Annie Hall (1977)
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Benny et Joon / Benny & Joon (1993)
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Zoolander / Zoolander (2001)
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The Mexican (2001)
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Carte Verte /Green Card (1990)
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Noël en Famille / Nothing Like the Holidays (2008)
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Une Famille Unique / The Kids Are All Right (2010)
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C’est Pas si Simple / And So It Goes (2014)
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Don Jon / Don Jon (2013)
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Bienvenue à la Maison / Home Again (2017)
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À Propos d’hier Soir / About Last Night (2014)
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Ailleurs nous Irons / Away We Go (2009)
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Judy Moody et son Été pas Raté / Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (2011)
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Judy Moody et son Été pas Raté / Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (2011)
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Le Journal de Bridget Jones / Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
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Une Semaine sans Fin / The Longest Week (2014)
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En Attendant / Laggies (2014)
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À l’Aventure / Burn Your Maps (2016)
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Pensez comme un Homme 2 / Think Like a Man Too (2014)
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Ma Chanson d’Amour / My Own Love Song (2010)
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Amis et Parents / Friends with Kids (2011)
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La Belle et le Vétéran / Bull Durham (1988)
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Max 2: Héros de la Maison-Blanche / Max 2: White House Hero (2017)
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Radio Days / Radio Days (1987)
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Novocaïne sur les Dents & Docteur T et les Femmes / Dr. T & the Women (2000) & Novocaine (2001)
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New York, New York (1977)
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Don Jon / Don Jon (2013)
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Les Liens du Souvenir / Unstrung Heroes (1995)
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Mr. Deeds / M. Deeds (2002)
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Kid Galahad (1962)
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La Haute Société / Café Society (2016)
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Dansez Dans les Rues 3 / Step Up 3 (2010) – Copier
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Quand les Femmes s’en Mêlent / Working Girl (1988)
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Shakespeare et Juliette / Shakespeare in Love (1998)
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You’ve Got a Mail (1998)
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All the Pretty Horses (2000)
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Sabrina / Sabrina (1995)
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Gentleman Cambrioleur / Hudson Hawk (1991)
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L’Amour a ses Raisons / The Ages of Love (2011)
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L’Objet de ma Tendresse / The Object of My Affection (1998)
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Dinner with Friends (2001)
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Mon Ami Willy & Mon ami Willy 2: La Grande Aventure & Mon Ami Willy 3: Le Sauvetage / Free Willy (1993) & Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995) & Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997)
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Oublions Paris / Forget Paris (1995) & Fathers’ Day (1997) & My Giant (1998)
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La Fidèle Lassie & Le Fils de Lassie & Le Courage de Lassie / Lassie Come Home (1943) & Son of Lassie (1945) & Courage of Lassie (1946)
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La Kermesse de l’Ouest / Paint Your Wagon (1969)
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Miroir Miroir / Mirror Mirror (2012)
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Cris et Coups de Pieds / Kicking & Screaming (2005)
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Zoolander / Zoolander (2001)
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Les Surprises de la Vie / She’s Having a Baby (1988)
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Elle et Lui / He Said, She Said (1991)
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The First Wives Club (1996)
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Maverick / Maverick (1994)
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Un Cowboy dans la Ville / Urban Cowboy (1980)
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La Vallée du Bonheur / Finian’s Rainbow (1968)
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Les Six Femmes d’Henry Lefay / The Six Wives of Henry Lefay (My Dad’s Six Wives) (2009)
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Journal d’un Dégonflé / Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)
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Joselito. L’Enfant à la Voix d’Or (1957)
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Tobby III: Le Chien Étoile / Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000)
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Jane Eyre (2011)
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Faire sa Chance / The Forger (2012)
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Tout sur Albert / Enough Said (2013)
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Noël chez les Cooper / Love the Coopers (2015)
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Sois Cool / Be Cool (2005)
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Cats / Cats (2019)
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Cats / Cats (2019)
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Les Girls de Las Vegas / ShowGirls (1995)
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